Planetary Anthology Series


5 of 5 STARS

Suzi TaylorFirst of all, I was under the mistaken impression that this book was a collection of stories about the planet Saturn. It isn't. What it is, is a wonderful assortment of 20 science fiction and fantasy stories, some of which are, in fact, based on the lovely ringed planet. Others are about time travel, wizards, working in space, brain transplants. So much good stuff. You can even learn who the Chosen One is, and there isn't a midi-chlorian in sight. Bokerah Brumley, who in addition to editing the anthology, is apparently the 'peafowl wrangler', has done a superb job giving us a little bit of everything. The stories range in length, so there's one for every bit of time you might have. As a romance writer, one of my personal favorites was The Lords of Titan, by G. Scott Huggins, which shows just how far some men will go for love. I also really admired They Also Serve by Rob and Karina Fabian. Anyone who's been short might predict the ending of this one ahead of time. But each of the stories has its own appeal. Highly recommend! [5-STARS from Suzi Taylor]

SATURN edited by Bokerah Brumley [Planetary Anthology Series (#8) | Science Fiction anthology]

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