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Third Person Deep Limited
(Literary Fiction)

Allen Dale Seeking a better life, Sara takes a job as a smal-ltown newspaper reporter. When several beautiful women her age are murdered by strange means, her investigation leads to a mysterious local healing center called the Goldstone. As she tries to figure out what's going on, she has to deal with a crusty chain-smoking newspaper editor, a handsome doctor who says he needs her help, a good-looking police officer who seems to be stalking her, and the peculiar behavior of various townspeople. Something odd and possibly paranormal is afoot at the Goldstone Clinic. REMNANTS OF FIRE is a thrilling and steamy paranormal whodunnit with an ending not to be missed. [5-STARS from Allen Dale]

reviewer When newspaper reporter, Sara, tries to start a new life in a small town, her first investigation is into the mysterious deaths of several young women. The deeper she digs, the more entangled she becomes in a local wellness clinic mired in rumors of vampires. Convinced that the deaths are not due to paranormal causes, she gets close to the people involved. Too close. Should she trust handsome Doctor Rick? Should she distrust ever-present Officer Brendon? What is really going on? Why are people associated with the clinic so hyper-focused on her? As a supernatural thriller, REMNANTS OF FIRE delivers in every way possible. It is superbly written with interesting characters, small-town ambience, wry humor, and a climax for the ages. It's definitely a 5-STAR read. [5-STARS from Amber Sparks]

Janyce Brawn Lorens takes you on a journey of good VS evil when reporter Sara Woods discovers dead women — with no apparent reason for their deaths. How are they linked to the Goldstone Clinic? Who can she trust? Sara discovers an internal source of power inside her that a gorgeous doctor helps her to understand and nurture. He explains about psychic vampires, but can she really believe this mumbo-jumbo that he spouts? Then there’s the nosy, full-of-himself young cop. He seems to follow Sara everywhere. More deaths occur, as Sara is drawn deeper into a web of deceit. Will she escape before it catches her? REMNANTS OF FIRE is hard to put down, and the end leaves you cheering and wanting more! Highly recommended! [FIVE STARS from Janyce Brawn]

Suzi Taylor Sara Woods takes a new job as a newspaper reporter, and gets dragged into a huge mess almost immediately by her editor. REMNANTS OF FIRE is so many things! It starts off as a perfectly normal investigative work by a reporter, but then it talks about all different sorts of healing techniques, and how they are used for good and maybe evil. It's scary enough that there's a trail of dead women in this small Ohio town, but as Sara starts discovering who might be behind it, at the same time she's scrambling to protect herself. It’s just — wow. And what's up with this junior cop creeping on her all the time? I loved the story, could really see it as a movie, the author is so good with her scenes. Recommend! [5-STARS from Suzi Taylor]

Neon Guru Looking for a fresh start in life, reporter Sara Woods takes a job with a small town newspaper. Her first assignment is the mysterious deaths of several young women. Tenacious and unafraid to dig for the truth, she soon focuses on a local healing center, the Goldstone. Being the new girl in town, she catches the eye of several men, including a charming local doctor and a persistent police officer. As she begins to figure out that something supernatural is happening at the Goldstone, she isn't sure who to trust. Can anyone in town be trusted? REMNANTS OF FIRE is a well-written and engaging novel. [5-STARS from Neon Guru]

REMNANTS OF FIRE by Alana Lorens [Supernatural Thriller (R) 192 pages / 73,000 words] READ MORE | Release Date: August 2023

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